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Author Bio

Tammy Green is the author of Living Without Skin, a haphazard blogger, and a thinker of surprisingly deep, sometimes wide, thoughts. At age 54, she decided to gather all her experiences of surviving, and eventually thriving, after one woman’s journey through recovery, divorce, self-discovery, parenthood, and finally knowing real love. A real estate professional and healthcare worker by day, author by night, she has also written articles for Elephant Journal. She resides in Memphis, TN, with her wife, two exceptionally perfect dogs, and a boss cat. She is a lover of words, her grandkitten, caramel cake, and saving items for later in her Amazon shopping cart.

Author: Tammy Green
Category: Health, Recovery, Spirituality
Print ISBN: 978-1647467845
Publisher: Author Academy Elite

Author: Tammy Green
Category: Health, Recovery, Spirituality
Print ISBN: 978-1647467838
Publisher: Author Academy Elite

Author: Tammy Green
Category: Health, Recovery, Spirituality
ISBN: 978-1-647467852
Publisher: Author Academy Elite
Book Bio
Living Without Skin shows human beings how to become superheroes by reframing self-doubt, insecurities, and vulnerability and revealing the superhero cape we all possess. Learn how to love yourself without spending a lifetime rolling through relationships, addictions, and lives learning to do it. The truth is that most of us consider vulnerability a weakness. We are inherently uncomfortable in the skin in which we live. We compare our insides to others’ outsides and come up short repeatedly. A lifetime of unconsciously repeating this behavior increases the sense of fear and insecurity. Living Without Skin will cover recognizing the fear of vulnerability, ascertaining the source of insecurity, and utilizing your current skin as a superhero cape, for yourself and others. All these things are revealed inside humorous, sometimes sad, real-life stories of the author’s experiences through recovery, divorce, self-discovery, parenthood, and spirituality.
“Tammy shows us how to take a true, real, and honest look at life and how it is formed and resurrected over and over. It is a profound and amazing book from this debut author.”
Karen McCarthy
Attorney and Author of Murder at The Candlelight Vigil“Tammy makes you laugh with her, cry with her, and encourages you to be brave enough to live inside your own rawness. If you are wondering where your superhero cape was lost, then Living Without Skin is a ‘must read’.”
Maureen Sharphouse
Speaker, Author, Mentor, and Coach“It’s a victory for recovery in an industry that tries its best to create success in communities everywhere. This emerging author makes you feel everything you didn’t know you were suppressing.”
Kristy McCormic
Executive Director of the Kathryn FoundationTarget Audience
Who Should Read
- Recovery Counselors
- Recovery Participants
- Spiritual Leaders
- Addiction Specialists
- Divorcees/Parents of Teens
- Wellness Seekers
- Superheroes in disguise
Book Benefits
- Discover hope in desperation
- Know you are not alone
- Learn to love yourself
- Decipher your inner truth
- Reflect on who you are inside
- Turn weakness into strength
Book Excerpt
Quit That Crying
“You better quit that crying before I give you something to cry about.”
-Every Parent Since the Dawn of Mankind
In the South where I grew up, that statement can be heard at least a hundred times on any given day on the local playground, at the shopping mall, at school, and especially at Walmart. My daddy was quite fond of the phrase the moment I tried to fly.
I was the strongest, smartest three-year-old Supergirl in the world, held in place only by my grandmother’s hand on the back of my dress as I stood on the church pew next to her that Sunday morning. Not even gravity could hold me down. Daddy sat on the other side of me in church and glared at me, daring me with his eyes to keep playing. Mimaw happened to consider me the cat’s pajamas since I was the only grandbaby. Every display of my imagination was nothing short of miraculous and usually hilarious to her, so she was laughing at me as I pretended to take off.
“Zoom! Pow! Whoosh!” I shouted. Daddy shot me a death stare and silently mouthed at me, “Sit down and be quiet right now!” But what three-year-old can resist the laughter of a Mimaw? Not this one.
If you have a sense of foreboding of what was coming, you are exactly right. After church, we went home, and my father took me to the back bedroom and spanked my happy little self as if all the heavens were raging against my glee in church. Of course, I cried. And then, the phrase that would become a tagline to the backdrop of my life was uttered.
“You better quit that crying before I give you something to cry about.”
Let’s look at the logic of that phrase in the context of the situation. Only a psychotic child destined to be a serial killer could dry their tears on command. Who even does that? Thus, another characteristic that would follow me through life emerged. The more I was told to stop, the more I did the thing that made me cry. I was no longer Supergirl. I was simply a toddler who learned flying in church wasn’t allowed. Today, I believe church is made for flying. I think God, Himself, designed us for flight, and His divine purpose for each of us represents one more step to becoming whole when we joyously and freely don our capes.
As I walked back into the front room sporting swollen red eyes and doing my best to stop crying, I noticed my aunt in the front room crying as hard as I was. I’m pretty sure this was the moment we bonded for life.
It’s an interesting phenomenon, isn’t it? Expressing pain and weakness and feeling about as small and insignificant as a gnat’s bottom, only to discover that someone near you is silently holding you up, feeling everything you’re feeling, wrapping their cape around you.
Interview Questions
- What made you write this book?
- Why is it important to embrace vulnerability?
- Are your stories real?
- Was it important to have superhero role models?
- Would you change your path if given the opportunity?
- What clued you in to your problem with alcohol?
- How has recovery worked for you?
- How did you manage depression?
- How has your family responded to the book?
- What’s the most important thing you learned while writing?
- What is the biggest mistake you made in your life?
- What did you learn about yourself during your discovery?
- How did your life change after your discovery?
- What was the biggest lie you believed about yourself?
- How can someone benefit from your book?
- Will you write another book?
- How can someone ask for help with an addiction?
- Who is the inspiration behind creating this book?
- What made you want to tell your story?
- Do you have plans for another writing project?
Story Ideas for Reporters

- Addiction Ideas: How do you know if you are addicted?
- Addiction help: How do you get help if you are addicted?
- Parenting a teen: How do I survive the undeveloped frontal lobe of my teen?
- Divorce: How do I rebuild my life after a divorce?
- Relationships: What are some ways to deal with conflict in relationships?
- Family: What defines a family? What are different types of non-traditional families?
- Self-discovery: What is involved with learning who I am, and what my purpose is?
- Spirituality/Religion: Is God bigger than what I think? What is God?
- Giving: How can I keep my peace if I’m giving it away?
- Puzzles: Where do I fit in the cosmic pattern of the universe? Where is my place in my community?
- Spirituality: How do I pay attention to intuition around any new venture or undertaking?
- Life goals: What is a life goal? Why should I set a life goal?
Downloadable Photos
I appreciate requests for photographs for press use. Email and let us know where you post your article so we can link to it.
-Thank you.

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