It was a day that altered every life in America in 2001.
A day that taught me what patriotism looks like.
A day when there was no right, no left, no Republican, no Democrat.
It was a day that we were all Americans.
A day when parents stopped everything to rush to their children.
A day when some couldn’t get there at all.
A day when we all stared in horror at the tragedy unfolding before us.
A day when we all cried together.
It was a day when the best among us gave everything they had.
A day that normal people became heroes.
A day that defined the word “American”.
It was a day when every detail of a normal day was rearranged.
A day when expectations of normal days ended.
A day that is etched in our collective memory.
It was a day when we remembered our humanity.
A day when caring and kindness was more important than being right.
A day when money wasn’t the God of our country.
A day when capitalism, socialism, even communism, didn’t matter.
It was a day that altered every life in America.
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